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SerialErrors Enumeration

Serial communication errors enumeration type. It can be one or more of the following values.

Namespace: ZylSoft.Serial
Assembly: ZylSerialPort (in ZylSerialPort.dll) Version: 1.83.8519.34486
public enum SerialErrors
Member nameValueDescription
RxOver1 An input buffer overflow has occurred. There is either no room in the input buffer, or a character was received after the end-of-file (EOF) character.
Overrun2 A character-buffer overrun has occurred. The next character is lost.
RxParity4 The hardware detected a parity error.
Frame8 The hardware detected a framing error.
Break16 The hardware detected a break condition.
You can sometimes get errors at the beginning of the communication. The problem is probably that you are opening the port while the remote device is in the middle of transmitting. This can cause your serial port to miss-detect the start bit of the data byte, causing corrupted data (framing errors) until there is a gap in the communication and the UART can resynchronize with the next start bit in the data stream.
See Also