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ZylTimer.NET 1.31
.NET Component Library

ZylTimer.NET is a high resolution .NET timer component library, which provides a higher precision than the standard .NET Timer component.
.NET Timer component which ships with the .NET framework uses the Windows Message Queue to generate the Tick event. Due to this approach it's impossible to get accurate timer intervals smaller than 15 milliseconds.
ZylTimer.NET is a thread based timer and due to this architecture provides a higher precision (1-2 milliseconds), which is inevitable in time critical applications.
It is important to understand that the accuracy of timers is limited. Windows is not a real-time operating system (except Windows CE) and it is not reasonable to expect timers to handle exactly very small time intervals.
Starting with .NET Framework 2.0, you have to use invoke, to modify user interface elements from the tick event.

The demo version is fully functional, but it displays a nag dialog (the licensed version will, of course, not have a nag dialog). The package includes demo programs for C# and VB.NET fo Visual Studio 2013, 2017, 2019, 2022. A help file is also included.

-Avoid to use time consuming code in the Tick event, but if it's necessary, run it in a differnet thread.

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Server2003/Vista/Server2008/7/8/Server2012/10/11
Available for:.NET Framework 2.0 (demos: VS 2013), .NET Framework 3.5 (demos: VS 2013), .NET Framework 4.0 (demos: VS 2013), .NET Framework 4.5 (demos: VS 2013), .NET Framework 4.6 (demos: VS 2017), .NET Framework 4.8 (demos: VS 2019), .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Core (through .NET Standard), .NET Framework 5.0 (demos: VS 2019), .NET Framework 6.0 (demos: VS 2022), .NET Framework 7.0 (demos: VS 2022), .NET Framework 8.0 (demos: VS 2022)
Requierments: .NET Framework
Add a reference to the dll from your project and declare an object of the component type in your application.
If you want to install it on the toolbox, click here.

What's new:
new properties: IntervalInSeconds, IntervalInMinutes

ZylTimer.NET - .NET Component
License comparision
Benefits Single Developer License Single Developer License with Source Code Site License
no nag screen
royalty free
number of developers 1 1 unlimited
source code included  
free support by e-mail
free upgrade on request 1.5 years 1.5 years 1.5 years
  $49.99   124.99   $199.99  
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License Agreement
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- All of our products are delivered via ESD (Electronic Software Delivery) only. After purchase you will receive the full version by e-mail.
- All orders are final, so please assure that you buy what you need, checking the fully functional trial version first!

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